"We believe and know that You are the Holy One of God."
John 6:69
We appeal to this biblical Statement
of Faith in order that we may all speak and believe the same thing, thus
allowing us to stand in theological unity, consistent spiritual formation, doctrinal
practice, and common fellowship (Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians
While this Statement of Faith does not cover all biblical truth, it establishes our corporate understanding of those fundamental truths essential for a conservative, evangelical faith as established by the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ; rooted in the ancient Councils of the Undivided Church; and safeguarded by the Fathers of our Historic Faith. It is our intention to walk in this Apostolic Faith so as not to inadvertently “move an ancient boundary stone” (Proverbs 22:28).
WE BELIEVE in the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—co-equal and co-eternal. Father, Creator of all things. Son, incarnate Savior and returning King. Holy Spirit, indwelling Counselor, Sustainer, and Empowerer.
WE BELIEVE the Holy Scriptures, inspired by God, to be our authoritative rule for faith and conduct.
WE BELIEVE that all of mankind fell from grace through the original transgression of Adam and that his fall results in judgment for everyone.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus made atonement for the sin of mankind through His shed blood and crucifixion. His atonement is the only remedy fully sufficient for the sins of the whole world but efficient only for those who believe in Him. Those who deny Him are eternally condemned.
WE BELIEVE that mankind has freewill to accept God’s gift of salvation. Freewill also means that, once accepted, a believer can shun God’s gift by choice, disobedience, and apostasy.
WE BELIEVE that salvation is God’s gift to repentant mankind through Jesus Christ. We receive this gift by faith and it is worked in us by God through justification, regeneration, and spiritual adoption.
WE BELIEVE that every person is immediately sanctified by grace upon saving faith in Christ, and that every believer is called upon to progressively grow in this sanctification through an ongoing life of Christian maturity through discipleship.
WE BELIEVE that the Church is the Body of Christ on earth for this present age and that the Church serves Christ through worship, evangelism, obedience, and discipleship.
WE BELIEVE that God offers tangible grace to His children through Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; Baptism being the tool by which He raises us up into visible confession and new life within the Church, and the Lord’s Supper (i.e., Eucharist) by which we are spiritually nourished as the Church.
WE BELIEVE in God’s scriptural provision for divine healing.
WE BELIEVE in a coming Tribulation; the Rapture of the saints; the visible, bodily return of Christ to the earth; the Millennial Reign of Christ; and the Final Judgment where those not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life are condemned to eternal damnation and those found written in the Book of Life are united with Christ in eternal glory.
For our detailed Statement of faith, please follow the link below.
While this Statement of Faith does not cover all biblical truth, it establishes our corporate understanding of those fundamental truths essential for a conservative, evangelical faith as established by the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ; rooted in the ancient Councils of the Undivided Church; and safeguarded by the Fathers of our Historic Faith. It is our intention to walk in this Apostolic Faith so as not to inadvertently “move an ancient boundary stone” (Proverbs 22:28).
WE BELIEVE in the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—co-equal and co-eternal. Father, Creator of all things. Son, incarnate Savior and returning King. Holy Spirit, indwelling Counselor, Sustainer, and Empowerer.
WE BELIEVE the Holy Scriptures, inspired by God, to be our authoritative rule for faith and conduct.
WE BELIEVE that all of mankind fell from grace through the original transgression of Adam and that his fall results in judgment for everyone.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus made atonement for the sin of mankind through His shed blood and crucifixion. His atonement is the only remedy fully sufficient for the sins of the whole world but efficient only for those who believe in Him. Those who deny Him are eternally condemned.
WE BELIEVE that mankind has freewill to accept God’s gift of salvation. Freewill also means that, once accepted, a believer can shun God’s gift by choice, disobedience, and apostasy.
WE BELIEVE that salvation is God’s gift to repentant mankind through Jesus Christ. We receive this gift by faith and it is worked in us by God through justification, regeneration, and spiritual adoption.
WE BELIEVE that every person is immediately sanctified by grace upon saving faith in Christ, and that every believer is called upon to progressively grow in this sanctification through an ongoing life of Christian maturity through discipleship.
WE BELIEVE that the Church is the Body of Christ on earth for this present age and that the Church serves Christ through worship, evangelism, obedience, and discipleship.
WE BELIEVE that God offers tangible grace to His children through Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; Baptism being the tool by which He raises us up into visible confession and new life within the Church, and the Lord’s Supper (i.e., Eucharist) by which we are spiritually nourished as the Church.
WE BELIEVE in God’s scriptural provision for divine healing.
WE BELIEVE in a coming Tribulation; the Rapture of the saints; the visible, bodily return of Christ to the earth; the Millennial Reign of Christ; and the Final Judgment where those not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life are condemned to eternal damnation and those found written in the Book of Life are united with Christ in eternal glory.
For our detailed Statement of faith, please follow the link below.